Thursday, November 19, 2009

day 4

Thank you once again. Had a busy day today. I left the house @ 0600 because had to head up to a small town call Yokam TX for a meeting. Its about 3 hours from where I live. After the meet I spent most of the day in Victoria TX @ my other station. I left there around 3:00 to head back to work in Corpus. I had agreed to run the reload from 6-7pm. I had planned on working out right after thaat. On my way home I rec'd a call from Manny my old Ops Manager. He said he was in town & we should go to dinner. I thought that would be great. In the past we would normally go to Wings & More for chicken wings and beer ("home cookin for a guy from Buffalo") so when he recommended Wings & more or Hooters I declined and said we should go to TGIF. I picked there because they have a great salad there. (Stop it, I know how that sounds) especially since I had a water too instead of a beer. I guess I'm taking this lifesytle change pretty seriously. Another strange thing is all week I've been eatting veggies, fruits & drinking plenty of water. My meals have been in small quanities by I've had many of them. Today for lunch we went to a great little Baraque place in Victoria. For whatever reason my body is so used to "good" food & my system has been so flushed of all the acid/toxins that the briskett & saugage didn't taste as well nor did it agree with me. I was burping briskett all day (sorry I know that sounds gross but its true). My body finally settled down with more water and green type food.
Make a long story short after diner I normally would have said the hell w/it. Its a long day I'll just work out tomorrow. Because I know people will be reading I forced myself to the gym. My work out wasn't as exciting as running on the beach or on the waterfront but I was proud of myself for getting a workout done when normally I would have blown it off. I ran abou 1.5 on the tread mill and had a nice chest workout.
Finally I have two last things to add. 1st I am writing this from in bed on my blackberry so if there are spelling errors or other errors I'm sorry.:) Second thing is I spoke to an old friend this morning and she told me she had read my blog and thought it was a great idea. She told me that she was actually motivated her self by reading it. This made me feel great. I started this to motivate myself and keep me on track. I have never intended for anyone to be motivated by my words or actions. I am grateful that I can help others move toward their goals. Very cool. Thank you for everyone who has read this blog,weather you are a daily reader or just have read it once, YOU have motivated me to stick to my word and helped me take action, Thanks for being here for me.

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