Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day 6 Krav Maga

Today I did something I've never done before. I took a Krav Maga work-out course. It totally kicked my ass but it was amazing. I have this couple that I was stationed w/back in the early 90s in Cal (Jen & Chris Coble), they have been attending Krav Maga for about 2-3 years and have been telling me I really need to check it out. So since I am determined to get back in shape I took them up on the offer. Krav Maga is a type of self defense. The studio that I went to teaches all sorts of courses. Anyway the work-out I did was very cardio intensive. This was the "heavy bag" work-out. We started by doing some stretches. I knew I was in trouble when some of the stretches seemed intense. Once we were warmed up we put on boxing gloves and did a series of punches on the heavy bag. I felt like Mike Tyson (without the lisp and criminal record). Right jag, left jab, right cross, body shot, high kick, low kick etc. You get the picture. After several minutes of that, take the gloves off and on your back with a medicine ball for sit ups and twists. Ok, back to the bag, more punches and kicks, round houses, right hook, left hook, low punch. Now cross overs with the medicine ball for several minutes, ok back to the bag. After that we had 3-5 pound hand weights, now we are punching the air with the weights, now doing shoulder presses. Again back to the bag, left, right, left again. My arms are feeling very heavy at this point in time. Now with the hand weights we are doing push ups for 3 minutes and doing back rows in between push-ups. Back to the bag again. This whole work out did not come with breaks, we had literally seconds in between exercises while taking off and putting on your gloves. You were lucky if you were able to wipe the sweat from your head and take a quick sip of water. Finally at the end we had 3 rounds of all out punching at the end of the class. In between rounds you had to keep moving, you could not stop moving your feet or stay still. I have no idea how a fighter can last 12 rounds and keep his hands up to keep hitting. At the end of the work-out I was drenched from head to toe in sweat but I survived. It was an awesome work-out and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to get in shape. This was THE most intensive work-out I've have in years.......probably decades. Thanks Jen & Chris I had a blast. This was great fun. If anyone is in the San Antonio area and would like to check it out I've attached the website If you stop by ask for Chris or Jen Coble and tell them you know me. Anyway, it was awesome. Thank you for taking the time to read this and feel free to leave comments and/or suggestions. As always thank you for your support.

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