Monday, November 16, 2009

Day 1

I set my alarm for 0500 today hoping to get up and go for a brisk morning run. Since i did not go to sleep last night until 11:30 I decide to hit the snooze until 0530. Well 0530 cam and went I hit the snooze again. I finally dragged myself out of bed around 0545. If it wasn't for this blog and the fact that i told people of my quest i might have stayed in bed (Thanks for keeping me motivated). Since it was still dark out at 0600 i decided to run on the trend mill and work out after. My initial desire is to go full out and run fast and lift hard however I know I would be paying for it later and possibly hurt myself so I am staring off slow. I run a mile on the trend mill and worked out for about 20 minutes. I felt great!!!! I went home, took a shower, made a smoothie and started my morning. I found myself more focused and more productive this morning. I am eating several light meals during the day and debating on doing a short work-out tonight. Thanks for listening. I appreciate the support.


  1. FYI-it's a Treadmill-just don't make it a "trend" to skip your morning run.........
    GOOD LUCK-maybe I'll get inspired as well.
